I am interested to know whether there is a quick and elegant way of increasing the number of shots (more than 8192 shots) on IBM hardware when running variational algorithms like VQE or QAOA.
I know that within Qiskit, I can specify:
backend._configuration.max_shots= shots
to change the number of max_shots but this only works for simulator. I can't increase the shots
parameter to go over 8192 shots when I set my backend as one of the real hardware. That is, if I specify the following:
hardware_backend = provider.get_backend('ibmq_valencia ')
maxshots = 20000
hardware_backend._configuration.max_shots= maxshots
quantum_instance = QuantumInstance(hardware_backend, shots = maxshots, initial_layout = None,
optimization_level = 3)
then upon executing the circuit, I will have an error message:
Error is : The number of shots in the Qobj (20000) is higher than the number of shots supported by the device (8192).
Is there a quick and elegant way to overcome this issue within Qiskit? Thank you!