I'm using Qiskit and after running the circuit, as we all know, we get a count dictionary such as
{'0000': 66,
'0001': 71,
'0010': 68,
'0011': 70,
'0100': 77,
'0101': 64,
'0110': 64,
'0111': 51,
'1000': 52,
'1001': 67,
'1010': 43,
'1011': 64,
'1100': 61,
'1101': 59,
'1110': 73,
'1111': 74}
Here the minimum count is 1010:43
. I want the same output just reversed [1024-(count)]
. I know this can be achieved by few lines of python, but I was curious if this is possible to do with a quantum circuit?
methods returns the count of shots that have that particular output. Are you asking for aget_counts_did_not_match
? What's your use case in whichshots - count
is more informative? It can be a feature request in Qiskit... $\endgroup$