
$\newcommand{\expectation}[1]{\mathop{\mathbb{E}} \left[ #1 \right] } \newcommand{\Var}{\mathrm{Var}}$ From Nielsen & Chuang 10th edition page 261:

Consider a classical algorithm for the counting problem which samples uniformly and independently $k$ times from the search space, and let $X1, \dots, X_k$ be the results of the oracle calls, that is, $X_j = 1$ if the $j$th oracle call revealed a solution to the problem, and $X_j = 0$ if the $j$th oracle call did not reveal a solution to the problem. This algorithm returns the estimate $S \equiv N \times \sum_j X_j/k$ for the number of solutions to the search problem. Show that the standard deviation in $S$ is $\bigtriangleup S = \sqrt{ M(N − M)/k }$.

The question goes on but I'm already stuck here. To get to the standard deviation first I'm trying to calculate the variance via:

$$ \Var(S) = \expectation{S^2} - \expectation{S}^2 \tag1\label1 $$ $$ \expectation{S} = N \times \sum_j \expectation{X_j}/k = \frac{N}{k} \sum_{j=1}^k \frac{M}{N} = M \tag2\label2 $$

Therefore $S$ is an unbiased estimator of M.


$$ \expectation{S}^2 = \expectation{\left( N \times \sum_j X_j/k \right)^2} = \frac{N^2}{k^2} \expectation{\left( \sum_j X_j \right)^2} = \frac{N^2}{k^2} \sum_{i=1}^k \sum_{j=1}^k \expectation{X_i X_j} \tag3\label3 $$

To calculate $\expectation{X_i X_j}$ we need to consider 2 cases:

  1. $i=j \implies \expectation{X_i X_i}=P(X_i=1)=M/N \tag4\label4$
  2. $i \neq j \implies \expectation{X_i X_j}=P(X_i=1, X_j=1)=\frac{M}{N} \frac{M-1}{N-1} \tag5\label5$

Case 1 happens $k$ times, therefore case 2 must happen $k^2-k$ times. So we have:

$$ \expectation{S}^2 = \frac{N^2}{k^2} \left( k \frac{M}{N} + (k^2 - k) \frac{M}{N} \frac{M-1}{N-1} \right) \tag6\label6 $$

Putting \eqref{2} and \eqref{6} together, after some tedious algebra I got:

$$ \Var(S) = \frac{M}{k} \frac{(N-M)(N-k)}{N-1} \tag7\label7 $$

If $k \ll N$, then \eqref{7} is close to what is stated in the original question but is not exactly it. Can anyone spot where I made the blunder?


1 Answer 1


Since the classical algorithm samples "uniformly and independently $𝑘$ times from the search space", equation $(5)$ should be, $P(X_i=1, X_j=1)= P(X_i=1)P(X_j=1)=\frac{M^2}{N^2}$ instead. If you substitute $(5)$ with this, you would arrive at the book's standard deviation.


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