I wish to initalise the state $\rho=(1-\frac{p}{2})|0\rangle \langle0|+\frac{p}{2}|1\rangle\langle1|$, where p is some measure of decoherence. This is a mixed state. There are some suggestions on here for how to implement this with ancilla qubits and extra gates. However I am now trying to run a quantum circuit with this as my initial state on the actual IBM quantum computers. The problem is that to intialise two qubits in this state requires 6 ancilla qubits using my current approach, meaning I have to use the Melbourne quantum computer which has moderately high gate error rates. It also increases my circuit depth. In order to simplify my circuit I tried something like this
circuit2 = QuantumCircuit(3,3);
Although this is statistically correct over many runs it does not give what I want. In each run of the quantum circuit (say 1000 shots), the same intial state is used for all 1000 shots. Is there any way I can make it so that the circuit reevaluates what the initial state should be for each shot?
I do not wish to have to set the number of shots to 1 and evaluate the circuit thousands of times, as the queue time to get my circuit evaluated would be huge.