I am aware of a SDP formulation for smooth min-entropy: question link. That program for smooth min-entropy was found in this book by Tomachiel: page 91. However, I am yet to come across a semi-definite formulation for smooth max-entropy. There is however, a formulation for the non-smoothed version of max-entropy, found in this link: page 4, lemma 8. Here is the detailed program for a bipartite density operator $\rho_{AB}$, $2^{H_{\text{max}}(A|B)_\rho}$ =
\text{minimize }\lambda \\
\text{subject to} \\
Z_{AB} \otimes \mathbb{I} \ge \rho_{ABC} \\
\lambda \mathbb{I}_B \ge \text{tr}_A [Z_{AB}] \\
Z_{AB} \ge 0 \\
\lambda \ge 0
Where $Z_{AB}$ runs over all positive semi-definite operators in $\mathcal{H}_{AB}$, $\lambda$ is a real number. The smooth max-entropy is then: $$ H^{\epsilon}_{\text{max}}(A|B)ρ := \underset{\rho'_{AB} \in \mathcal{B}^\epsilon (\rho_{AB})}{\min}H_{\text{max}}(A|B)_{\rho'} $$ i.e., just the minimum over all bipartite operators which are at most $\epsilon$ distance away from $\rho_{AB}$. But the primal or dual SDP formulation for the smooth version of max-entropy was not found anywhere. Is there one? How could I transform it into a smooth version? TIA.