Is there a way in Qiskit to initialize $n$ qubits with binary values (0s and 1s)? For example, how can I initialize two qubits in the state $|11\rangle$? Here is a code snippet:
from qiskit import QuantumCircuit
import numpy as np
n = 2
circuit = QuantumCircuit(n, n)
# Seeking some sort of initialization routine like this
circuit.initializeQubits(initialState=np.ones(n), ...)
# Define rest of the circuit
I am aware of the method in this tutorial, which is also referenced here and here. This method creates an arbitrary qubit state by defining an $N$ dimensional ($N = 2^n$) state vector of amplitudes. The problem with this method is it requires creating a state vector which is exponentially large. I'm trying to initialize the qubits by defining an $n$ dimensional binary vector, which for the above example would be [1, 1]