In "SEPARABILITY CRITERION FOR MULTIPARTITE QUANTUM STATES BASED ON THE BLOCH REPRESENTATION OF DENSITY MATRICES" by Hassan and Joag, I found this remarkable thing about entanglement of mixed GHZ states, saying:
We consider [a] $N$-qubit state $$\rho_{noisy}^{N} = \frac{1-p}{2^N}I + p|\psi\rangle\langle\psi|, 0\le p\le1 $$ where $|\psi\rangle$ is a $N$-qubit ... GHZ state.
Does anyone know how these value would evolve when $N$ grows?
Their entanglement/separability criterion is given as Theorem 1.
If a $N$-partite quantum state of dimension $d_1d_2...d_N$ with Bloch representation $(8)$ is fully separable, then $$ ||\mathcal{T}^{(N)}||_{KF}\le \sqrt{\frac1{2^N}\prod_{k=1}^N d_k(d_k-1)} $$
$\mathcal{T}^{(N)}$ is given as last term in $(8)$:
$||\mathcal T||_{KF} = max\{||T_{(n)}^N||_{KF}\}, n=1,...,N;$ is a Ky-Fan norm, which is the sum of the $k$ largest singular values of the matrix unfoldings of $\mathcal T$.
I'm not interested in $|W\rangle$ states...