I think that $UCC$ ansatz is good for chemistry related problems. However, if you an arbitrary Hamiltonian and want to find its smallest eigenvalue then it's not very obvious what the anstaz form should look like.... it will also depend on how you initialize your state. And if you define an anstaz with polynomial number of gates, you don't expect to be able to explore the entire Hilbert space.
Also, the important ingredient about VQE applying to chemistry related problems, like finding energies of electronic molecular Hamiltonian, is that this type of Hamiltonian can be written/decompose as the sum of polynomial terms of Pauli matrices.
$$ H = \sum h_i \sigma_i + \sum h_{ij}\sigma_{i}\sigma_{j} + \cdots $$
However, this is not true in general. Therefore, you have to be careful about this.