There is now a dedicated mailing list for quantum computing, based on the quantum-foundations mailing list. You can subscribe here:
It is moderated, and has the following rules:
This is a place for making announcements relevant to the field of quantum computing and quantum technologies, broadly understood. This includes quantum hardware and software, theory and experiment, in academia and in industry. While the list is called "quantum-computing", announcements relevant to adjacent fields in quantum technologies, such as quantum communication and metrology, are also warmly welcome.
The list is intended to serve a large number of subscribers from all over the world, and as such is strictly moderated to reduce the volume of email. Acceptable uses for the list are, for example:
- advertising jobs, studentships, internships, and other vacancies in the area of quantum computing
- advertising events such as conferences and workshops
- publishing calls for submissions, e.g. for special issues in quantum computing
- introducing new journals or community platforms of interest to quantum computing researchers
The following are NOT acceptable uses for the list:
- all forms of self-promotion, including publicizing individual papers, books, or results
- soliciting job offers or clients
- initiating discussions (this list is for announcements, not back-and-forth discussion)
- messages in violation of the code of conduct (see below)
- off-topic announcements