For other readers who, like me, would otherwise have to go and check this, the Fredkin gate is the same thing as controlled-swap.
Some insight that you can get into the construction comes by focussing only on the elements $\{|01\rangle,|10\rangle\}$ on the two target qubits. The square root of swap looks like
e^{i\pi/4}\left(\begin{array}{cc} 1 & i \\ i & 1 \end{array}\right)/\sqrt{2}
on those two elements (at least, that's the definition that I'm taking). Let's all this $U$. This reminds me of the beam splitter matrix in the Mach-Zehnder interferometer, which inspired the following construction. We have that
UU=X\qquad UZUZ=\mathbb{I}.
So, what we want is a sequence of V, sqrt-SWAP, V, sqrt-SWAP where V does nothing if the control qubit is in 1 (so we get the sequence $UU$), and if the control qubit is 0, does the gate $\text{diag}(1,1,-1,1)$ on the target qubits. In other words, $V$ is a controlled-controlled-phase up to a couple of bit flips.
I believe the following does the job (but of course depends on what you allow your "?" to be constructed out of):