This question is about the following optimization problem:
Given some density matrix $\rho\in\mathbb C^{n\times n}$ find the diagonal state which is closest to it in trace norm. More precisely, find $$ \underset{s\in\Delta^{n-1}}{\rm argmin}\|\rho-{\rm diag}(s)\|_1 $$ with $\Delta^{n-1}\subset\mathbb C^n$ the standard simplex of probability vectors.
A naive first guess is that this minimum is attained on $s=d(\rho)$ where $d(A):=(A_{ii})_i$ just collects the diagonal entries, i.e., $d$ is (equivalent to) the dephasing channel. This is motivated by the following two facts:
- If the trace norm is replaced by the Frobenius norm, then $s=d(\rho)$ because minimizing $\|\rho-{\rm diag}(s)\|_2$ amounts to minimizing the individual entries. Therefore, having the diagonal vanish (which is the only thing one can "control" here) is optimal.
- For $n=2$ our guess is provably true:
Result. Given any density matrix $\rho\in\mathbb C^{2\times 2}$ one has $$ \underset{s\in\Delta^{n-1}}{\rm argmin}\|\rho-{\rm diag}(s)\|_1=\begin{pmatrix} \rho_{11}\\ \rho_{22} \end{pmatrix}. $$
Proof. The key is the qubit formula $ \|A\|_1^2={\rm tr}(A^\dagger A)+2|\det(A)| $, i.e., this is valid for all $A\in\mathbb C^{2\times 2}$. Because $\rho-{\rm diag}(s)$ is a traceless Hermitian matrix—the off-diagonals of which are the same as for $\rho$—our minimization problem simplifies as follows: \begin{align*} \min_{s\in\Delta^{n-1}}\|\rho-{\rm diag}(s)\|_1&=\min_{b}\Big\| \begin{pmatrix} b&\rho_{12}\\\rho_{12}^*&-b \end{pmatrix} \Big\|_1\\ &=\min_{b}\sqrt{ \Big\| \begin{pmatrix} b&\rho_{12}\\\rho_{12}^*&-b \end{pmatrix} \Big\|_2^2+2\Big|\det \begin{pmatrix} b&\rho_{12}\\\rho_{12}^*&-b \end{pmatrix} \Big| }\\ &=\min_{b}\sqrt{ 2|\rho_{12}|^2+2b^2+2\big|-b^2-|\rho_{12}|^2\big| }\\ &=\min_{b}\sqrt{4|\rho_{12}|^2+4b^2}\\ &=\sqrt{4|\rho_{12}|^2}=2|\rho_{12}| \end{align*} and the minimum is attained for $b=0$, i.e., $s=d(\rho)$. $\square$
This begs the question: does this result hold up for higher dimensions, as well?
(This is a Q&A style question meant as a contribution to the list of counterexamples in quantum information)