In QAOA after prepating $|\psi(\gamma, \beta) \rangle$, expectation value $\langle \psi(\gamma, \beta)|H_c|\psi(\gamma, \beta) \rangle$ is computed. In tutorials, I see two approaches to this calculation. The first is to calculate the expectation of an observable $H_c$, as in this demo, which I imagine adds some CNOT gates, because measurement in $Z \otimes Z$ is accomplished by CNOT, as shown here. My code for this approach is as follows, using Pennylane (I am using the Ising model):
def construct_cost_hamiltonian(h, J):
coeffs = []
obs = []
# Add terms for individual variables
for k, v in h.items():
# Add terms for interactions between variables
for k, v in J.items():
obs.append(qml.PauliZ(k[0]) @ qml.PauliZ(k[1]))
return qml.Hamiltonian(coeffs, obs)
cost_h = construct_cost_hamiltonian(h, J)
def cost_function(params):
if len(params.shape) < 2:
params = np.split(params, 2)
qaoa_circuit(params[0], params[1], h, J)
return qml.expval(cost_h)
The second approach is to measure bitstrings, map them to $-1,1$ and compute the average of $x^T H_c x$, which makes sense since we get the final result just by measuring, and $x^T H_c x$ is our objective. This approach was used in this demo. My implementation as follows:
def samples_circuit(params):
if len(params.shape) < 2:
params = np.split(params, 2)
qaoa_circuit(params[0], params[1], h, J)
return qml.sample()
samples = samples_circuit(params)
H = np.zeros((number_of_variables, number_of_variables))
for i in range(0, number_of_variables):
H[i, i] = h[(i,)]
for j in range(i+1, number_of_variables):
H[i, j] = J[i, j]
expect_val = 0
for sample in samples:
sample_ising = -2*sample + 1
expect_val += sample_ising.T @ H @ sample_ising
expect_val /= samples.shape[0]
And these two approaches (in my code) give drastically different results with the same parameters. So what approach is correct? Or what is my mistake?