I am trying to understand how well the HHL algorithm would scale. Therefore my first inquiry is how the number of qubits scale with the size of the problem ie the size of the Matrix A in the linear system Ax = b.
I have found an article that gives in a table how many qubits are required based on the parameters of the problem for an application in physics:
The first number of qubits can easily be obtained by taking a number of state qubits equal to $\left\lceil \log_2{(matrix\;rank)} \right\rceil +1$ $\\\\$ (the plus one is because we use $\begin{pmatrix} 0 & A \\ A^{\dagger} & 0\\ \end{pmatrix}$ as the matrix to ensure it is hermitian). And the last number is just the ancilla qubit. However I don't know how to compute the second number which represent the number of qubits to represent the eigenvalue. It seems to be $\simeq $$\left\lceil \log_2{(\frac{1}{|\lambda_{min}|})} \right\rceil$ but it doesn't fit for the last line of the table.
How should I compute the number of qubits needed to represent the eigenvalues of the matrix ?