In the proof of correctness of CSS codes in Nielsen and Chuang, we see that equation $(10.68)$:
$$ \frac{1}{\sqrt{|C_2|}} \sum\limits_{y \in C_2} (-1)^{(x+y)\cdot e_2} |x+y \rangle $$
can be transformed to equation $(10.69)$ by applying Hadamard gates to each qubit to obtain:
$$ \frac{1}{\sqrt{|C_2|2^n}} \sum\limits_{z} \sum\limits_{y \in C_2} (-1)^{(x+y)\cdot (e_2+z)} |z \rangle $$
I am having difficulty to see how we can go from $(10.68)$ to $(10.69)$. Specifically, why $|x+y \rangle$ in equation $(10.68)$ is being transformed to $| z \rangle$, and why doesn't same apply to the exponent: That is in the exponent $x+y$ remains unchanged while in $(10.69)$ we take its dot product with $e_2 + z$ this time around.
It would be much appreciated if the answer explains the math behind it step-by-step.