I am new to qiskit and quantum computing in general, so bear with me please. For my bachelor's thesis, I am programming qiskit to first generate a random Clifford circuit (qc) and to then measure the output state once.
For that I am using
$\texttt{measurement = StabilizerState(qc).measure()}$
which returns a tuple, containing the measurement outcome and its stabilizer table, For example
$\texttt{(011, StabilizerTable: ['ZII', '-IZI', '-IIZ']).}$
Now I would like to apply the inverse Clifford circuit to the outcome state (thereby transforming the stabilizer table to [U†$\cdot$ZII$\cdot$U, -U†$\cdot$IZI$\cdot$U, -U†$\cdot$IIZ$\cdot$U], where U† is the global unitary representing the inverse Clifford circuit.) For that I am using
which returns a new stabilizer table describing the transformed stabilizer state. I would now like to know some sort of representation of the new state, like its density matrix.
My question is: is there some way to get the underlying state vector or density matrix from a stabilizer table? My first idea, reading through the documentation was
which did not work since it only returns the input in form of an operator (for example qc).
I guess I could always just convert the first measurement result (011) into an array and calculate U† |011> <011| U the old fashioned way, which doesn't seem very efficient to me though.