I am reading the Qiskit textbook(beta) and they have explained Hadamard gate using an amplitude tree. To show how two H-gates on a qubit give the output as 0 everytime they said to consider that it reverses the direction of the qubit when the input and output state of the qubit is 1.(as shown in the image below)
Following this, if we apply 2 H-gates on a qubit in state 1, the output they said would similarly always be 1 but when I made that tree, it again came out as 0 as shown below.
Please help me understand this. I am absolutely new to quantum computing(with no physics background).
Edit: My conclusion about the H-gate stated as "it reverses the direction of the qubit when the input and output state of the qubit is 1" was the wrong idea that led to the incorrect amplitude tree. You can find the correction pointed out in the answer marked correct.