I am tying to understand the working of Mach-Zehnder Interferometer in the physical sense (how it behaves and why it does so etc.). The source I am referring to is this: (https://www.cs.princeton.edu/courses/archive/fall06/cos576/papers/zetie_et_al_mach_zehnder00.pdf)
In this source there are a couple of definitions that are confusing me like anything: "..We shall use the following definitions: $l_1$ and $l_2$ are the total path lengths for the light travelling from the source to the detector for the upper and lower paths respectively."
Doubt 1: When it says 'from source to the detector' there are two detectors! And it is never explicitly states that the distance from the second beam splitter to the two detectors $A$ and $B$ is equal. It doesn't have to be! Does the author implicitly assume that in the paper and its not the generic case? Or its the generic case and I am missing something?
Doubt 2: This paper is talking in terms of phase difference for paths to detector $A$ and $detector B$ and calculating that. I understand this part. But, how do we calculate the probabilities of a photon arriving at detector $A$ and $B$ if we know the values of phase difference in each case? [Again I am looking for the generic case calculations - both for phase difference and probabilities]?
Can someone please clarify?
P.S. My background is in CS so please take that into consideration.