(Notation) Let $\Phi$ be a generic quantum map sending states in $\mathbb{C}^n$ into states in $\mathbb{C}^m$. We say that $\Phi$ is positive when $\Phi(X)\ge0$ for any positive linear operator $X\in\mathrm{Lin}(\mathbb{C}^n)$. We say that $\Phi$ is completely positive (CP) when $\Phi\otimes \operatorname{Id}_k$ is a positive map for all $k\ge0$.
(A standard approach to proving that CP $\iff$ $n$-positive) It is well-known that $\Phi$ is CP iff its Choi representation, $$J(\Phi)\equiv (\Phi\otimes \operatorname{Id}_n)(|m\rangle\!\langle m|)\in\operatorname{Lin}(\mathbb{C}^m\otimes \mathbb{C}^n),$$ is positive semidefinite. Here $|m\rangle\equiv \sum_{i=1}^n |i,i\rangle$ is the (unnormalised) maximally entangled state. A standard way to show this is to observe that
- If $J(\Phi)$ is positive semidefinite then it admits an eigendecomposition $J(\Phi)=\sum_a v_a v_a^\dagger$ for some collection of vectors $v_a\in\mathbb{C}^m\otimes \mathbb{C}^n$;
- The eigendecomposition for $J(\Phi)$ corresponds to a Kraus-like decomposition for $\Phi$ itself: $\Phi(X)=\sum_a A_a X A_a^\dagger$ with $A_a$ being the linear operators with the same components as the vectors $v_a$.
- Such a Kraus-like decomposition can always be rewritten as a Stinespring-like representation $\Phi(X)=\operatorname{Tr}_1(VXV^\dagger)$ with $V\equiv \sum_a |a\rangle\otimes A_a$, and any map with such a representation is CP, because $$(\Phi\otimes \operatorname{Id}_k)(\mathbb{P}(|\Psi\rangle)) = \operatorname{Tr}_1\!\!\big[\mathbb{P}((V\otimes I_k)|\Psi\rangle)\big], \qquad \mathbb{P}(|\psi\rangle)\equiv |\psi\rangle\!\langle\psi|, \qquad \forall|\Psi\rangle\in \mathbb{C}^{n+k},$$ meaning the action of any finite extension of $\Phi$ on unit-rank projections returns the partial trace of a unit-rank projection, which is always a positive semidefinite operator.
(The question) Now, suppose I'm interested in proving the fact that $\Phi\otimes \operatorname{Id}_n$ sending maximally entangled states to valid states is sufficient to know that any extension of $\Phi$ sends physical states into physical states (i.e. that $\Phi$ is CP). The above approach does of course work, but it involves quite a bit of machinery to show something that on the face of it seems a rather simple statement.
Is there a simpler or more direct way to show that $(\Phi\otimes \operatorname{Id}_n)(|m\rangle\!\langle m|)$ being positive is sufficient to know that $\Phi\otimes \operatorname{Id}_k$ is a positive map for all $k$?