In DLP ($g \equiv x^r$ (mod $p$) with known order of $x$ as $p$), Shor algorithm applies QFT to the state $$\frac{1}{p}\sum_{a, b}^{p-1}|a, b, g^ax^b⟩$$ Here QFT is of size $q$ that satisfies $(p-1)\le q< 2(p-1)$. Then the state becomes $$\frac{1}{pq}\sum_{a, b}^{p -1}\sum_{c, d}^{q - 1}\text{exp}(\frac{i2\pi(ac+bd)}{q})|a, b, g^ax^b⟩$$ The amplitude of the state $|c, d, g^k⟩$is $$|\frac{1}{pq}\sum_{a+br\equiv k\,(\text{mod}\,p)}^{p -1}\text{exp}(\frac{i2\pi(ac+bd)}{q})|$$ In Shor algorithm, $q$ also satisfies $\log_2(q)\in\mathbb{N}$ because size of QFT is only limited to power of 2, and hence in most of cases $p\ne q$. Then the probability analysis becomes a mess, and we need to run the circuit polynomial times to get a nice pair of $(c, d)$ (so-called "good state").
However, if $p=q$, then the amplitude becomes $$|\frac{1}{p^2}\sum_{b=0}^{p -1}\exp(\frac{i2\pi(kc+b(d-cr))}{p})|$$ This is the easy case of DLP described in original paper of Shor algorithm, which proves that in this situtation $c$ and $d$ must satisfy $d=cr\,(\text{mod}\,p)$. If $c$ and $p$ is coprime, then we get the result.
Here $p=q$ can be achieved by exact QFT of arbitrary size $N$ that does $$|a, 0⟩\mapsto|\Phi_a, 0⟩,\text{ where }|\Phi_a⟩=\frac{1}{\sqrt{N}}\sum_{c=0}^{N-1}\exp(\frac{i2\pi}{N}ac)|c⟩$$ There is a lot of spare auxiliary qubits after modular operations. Thus, we don't need additional qubits for implementing exact QFT.
Exact QFT has $O(n^2)$ operation complexity. It should be acceptable compared with $O(n^3)$ complexity of the entire circuit. However, all paper I read use non-exact QFT to solve DLP. Is there any shortage of exact QFT that I missed?