After applying exponentially, or even polynomially many random local gates to a fixed input state, the resulting distribution of the output state $\ket{\psi_{out}}$$\lvert\psi_{out}\rangle$ will (be very close) to Haar random. This gives a procedural way of generating Haar-random states, given the ability to apply gates from a fixed gate set: generate some random circuit and take the output.
My question: is there a similar procedure for generating a (close to) Haar-random state conditioned on the state having low entanglement entropy (say constant)?
One attempt to generate low-entanglement states could be to apply a random-constant depth circuit instead of, say, a polynomial depth circuit, but this would not suffice for Haar-randomness. I have seen the concept of a random matrix product state here, but don't have the background to determine to what extent this setup coincides with the Haar-random definition above.