This transformation comes up a lot during symbolic manipulation of quantum operations on state vectors. It's the reason why, for instance, $(X\otimes \mathbb{I}_2)|00\rangle = |10\rangle$ - it lets us operate on a single qbit by tensoring a unitary operation $U$ with identity operators where $U$ is at the same position of significance as the qbit to which we want to apply $U$.
I've been trying to write out a proof of why this transformation works, but I lack good notation for representing and reasoning about tensored matrices and vectors - it becomes very clunky very quickly. Is there a simple way to prove this transformation holds, or a convenient notation for representing tensored matrices/vectors?
Assume $U$ is a square complex unitary matrix of size $n$, $V$ a square complex unitary matrix of size $m$, $|x\rangle$ an $n$-element complex column vector where $\langle x|x\rangle=1$, and $|y\rangle$ an $m$-element complex column vector where $\langle y|y\rangle=1$.