You always have the opposite inequality: $\|A\|_1\ge \|A\|_2$.
You see it easily from the fact that $\|A\|_1$ is the sum of the singular values of $A$, while $\|A\|_2^2$ is the sum of the squares of the singular values. Thus $\|A\|_1^2 \ge \|A\|_2^2$, as the square of a sum is always larger than the sum of squares, and thus $\|A\|_1 \ge \|A\|_2$.
For the other direction, as pointed out in the other answer, you can still say something, as long as you introduce the dimension of the space, or better still, the rank. For any matrix $A$ you have
$$\|A\|_2\le \|A\|_1 \le \sqrt{\operatorname{rank}(A)} \|A\|_2,$$
with the upper bound obtained via Holder's inequality as per the other answer. More generally, you have
$$\|A\|_q \le \|A\|_p \le \operatorname{rank}(A)^{1/p-1/q}\|A\|_q,$$
for all $1\le p\le q \le\infty$ such that $1/p+1/q=1$. This is mentioned e.g. in chapter 1 of Watrous' book.
A way to prove this is using the more general inequality for Schatten norms:
$$\|ST\|_a\le \|S\|_b \|T\|_c, \qquad \frac1a=\frac1b+\frac1c, \quad a,b,c\in[1,\infty].$$
Applying this with $S=A$, $T=\Pi_{\operatorname{supp}(A)}$, $a=p$, $b=q$, we get
$$\|A\|_p \le \|A\|_q \|\Pi_{\operatorname{supp}(A)}\|_{(1/p-1/q)^{-1}}
= \|A\|_q \operatorname{rank}(A)^{1/p-1/q},$$
and we must have $1/p-1/q\ge1$, thus $q\ge p$.
In the special case of Hermitian matrices you can also use a simpler proof: given Hermitian $A$, let $U=\Pi_+-\Pi_-$, with $\Pi_\pm$ projections onto the spaces spanned by eigenvectors of $A$ with positive and negative eigenvalues, respectively. Then $\operatorname{tr}(A U)=\operatorname{tr}|A|$, and thus from Holder we get
$$|\operatorname{tr}(AU)|=\operatorname{tr}|A| \le \|A\|_2 \|U\|_2 = \sqrt{\operatorname{rank}(A)} \|A\|_2,$$
because $\|U\|_2=\|\Pi_{\operatorname{supp}(A)}\|_2=\sqrt{\operatorname{rank}(A)}$ and $\operatorname{tr}|A|=\|A\|_1$.
This is again a special case of a "tracial matrix Holder inequality", see this MO post.
Specialising to the case of pure states, everything's simple: you have
$$\|\mathbb{P}_\psi-\mathbb{P}_\phi\|_1 = 2\sqrt{1-F}$$
with $F\equiv |\langle\psi|\phi\rangle|^2$, and I used the notation $\mathbb{P}_\psi\equiv|\psi\rangle\!\langle\psi|$. This follows from a direct calculation of the eigenvalues of $\mathbb{P}_\psi-\mathbb{P}_\phi$. Also
\equiv \operatorname{tr}[(\mathbb{P}_\psi-\mathbb{P}_\phi)^2]
= \operatorname{tr}(\mathbb{P}_\psi+\mathbb{P}_\phi-2\mathbb{P}_\psi\mathbb{P}_\phi)
= 2 (1-F).$$
$$\|\mathbb{P}_\psi-\mathbb{P}_\phi\|_1 = \sqrt 2\|\mathbb{P}_\psi-\mathbb{P}_\phi\|_2.$$
By contrast, the Euclidean distance between the ket vectors themselves reads
$$\||\psi\rangle-|\phi\rangle\|_2^2 = 2 - 2\operatorname{Re}\langle\psi|\phi\rangle \ge 2(1-\sqrt F).$$
$$2(1-\sqrt F) \ge \left(\frac{\|\mathbb{P}_\psi-\mathbb{P}_\phi\|_1}{2}\right)^2=1-F$$
always holds, because
$$2(1-\sqrt F)-(1-F) = 1 - 2\sqrt F + F = (1-\sqrt F)^2 \ge0.$$
If follows that
$$\||\psi\rangle-|\phi\rangle\|_2 \ge \frac{\|\mathbb{P}_\psi-\mathbb{P}_\phi\|_1}{2}.$$
Note that the "trace distance" is usually defined as half of $\|\mathbb{P}_\psi-\mathbb{P}_\phi\|_1$.